The Ardnamurchan contains two internationally important sites for blanket bog, Claish Moss and Kentra Moss, with distinctive pool and hummock typography. Claish Moss in the Ardnamurchan is classified as an ‘eccentric’ mire', and the vegetation is dominated by Sphagnum mosses, with over 14 Sphagnum species being recorded from the site, including Sphagnum imbricatum and S. pulchrum. Other notable species include the liverwort Pleurozia purpurea and brown beak-sedge (Rhynchospora fusca). Claish Moss and Kentra Moss also support variable amounts of heather, bog myrtle (Myrica gale), bog asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) and cotton-grasses (Eriophorum vaginatum and E. angustifolium) . Insectivorous sundews (Drosera spp) and bladderworts (Utricularia spp) are found in the bog pools and margins. The nationally scarce dragonflies, the northern emerald (Somatochlora arctica) and the azure hawker (Aeshna caerulea) breed in the bog pools. The blanket bog at Kentra Moss in the Ardnamurchan merges into the saltmarsh at Kentra Bay, with its characteristic dendritic channels.
Bog, bog, beautiful bog!